Wednesday 17 June 2015

About Troubleshooting Certificate Error Message In Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer Problems
Internet Explorer is the default web browser in Windows operating systems. Although users are free to download and install third party web browsers, many choose to use IE because of its simple user interface and higher-level security features. Despite all these, users often go frustrated at a number of issues while using Internet Explorer web browser. The most common issue among these is the Internet Explorer certificate error.

About Certificate Error in Internet Explorer

The certificate error message in IE is not an issue but a warning that the website you are visiting is not safe. Every website that you visit through Internet Explorer is supposed to pass a certain security parameters. If a user visits a website that does not meet these parameters, IE would generate a security error certificate. Nevertheless, many users complain that they come across Internet Explorer certificate error even while visiting genuine websites. If you face this problem, work out the below steps to fix it.

  • If Internet Explorer is open or currently running, close it. After that, go to the Start button, enter regedit in the serach field, and hit the Enter key on your keyboard. This would open the Windows Registry screen.
  • In the Windows Registry Editor screen, locate and expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Internet Explorer > Main. Click on the FeatureControl link there.
  • Next, go to the Edit menu and select New. Select the above mentioned key again.
  • After that, enter the following in the New key field

  • Continue by pressing the Enter key.
  • Go to the Edit menu and select New. Select the DWORD Value.
  • Enter iexplorer.exe in the text field and proceed by hitting the Enter key on the keyboard.
  • Next, go to the Edit menu and select the Modify button. Type 1 in the modification area followed by pressing the OK button.
  • Exit the Windows Registry Editor now.
    IE Errors
  • Restart Internet Explorer and check with the issue. Your problem should be fixed now.

You have seen how to troubleshoot the Internet Explorer certificate error. If the issue persists, consider reinstalling Internet Explorer or upgrading to the latest version. Alternatively, you can call an expert for help.